Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hello World!

I'm here and ready to blog about my life to my unknown (at the moment; nonexistent) audience . Actually i created this blog so i can rant my days away! I have no intentions of censoring my thoughts or how they come out because i have free rein here.
But truly, i am a nice young lady, just so happens that i have tons of random thoughts bouncing around in my head that i feel need to be let out! I know what you must be thinking...

"Why don't you go talk to your friends?"
Well, maybe i have no friends. But fortunately for me, i do have friends. Friends that make me laugh and giggle all day- the way i choose to live for all eternity!
But i feel i am more expressive through words that i can type/write out. Besides, blogging is much more fun. And whoever wants to read will have just as much fun, no? yes.

Alright, alright moving on now...
please don't feel free to look for perfect grammar usage and such here. Although i am terrific in English grammar and punctuation, i tend not to use it at its full advantage when i am blogging because WHO CARES? I don't care.

Anyway, you will find that i have tons of pictures to share. Mostly because i have an undying love for photography. Both professional and amateur. I own 6+ cameras of my own and have taken 3 years of photography in the past, I've had my own photography work displayed in art exhibitions but that does not make me a professional nor do i want any one who sees my work to think it. I snap photos of all things. Things that make me happy, sad, weird, tired, confused, angry, excited, scared and so on and so forth. I mostly enjoy the concept of a photo. And the world should learn to love it just as much as i do!

Along with photography, I've dabbled in photo editing as well as graphic design. I am self taught and hope to continue to grow my knowledge and skills at both.

So, these are just a few of my favorite things. Without mention of food, shopping, my dog, my hair, TV, sleep and etc. You will learn more as we go. ;)