Friday, March 5, 2010

Interview driven

I have an interview tomorrow morning and I'm trying to get myself prepared for it. I really want to do well and get the position! I've been reciting in my head over and over the things I would say during these job interviews. I used to think I was good at it because I'd always get the job but I've recently had some flops which I will admit has really got me down but now I am more determined than ever.

One thing I've always found important to have is a positive attitude and outlook on things. You've got to have confidence going into any situation. That's how you know you will more than likely succeed. When you are confident people will know it and in turn they will feel confident in you. This is a trait I definitely posses in all my endeavors including at work.

A big part of having confidence at work comes from having knowledge of the things around you i.e knowledge of products, policies, staff and etc. I've been with my current employer for almost 2 years now and i've learned so much of all those things. With that said i've also been reaching so many of my goals at work and this has also helped me feel confident at my work place. I find myself most successful at sales and helping customers when i have more knowledge of the customers needs and of the product i present to them. This brings me to my next point of which knowing your customers comes into play.

Its not only important to know the customer who walks through the doors but it is important to know how to read people in general. This is honestly a skill you develop through out the time of working in customer service. You'll learn quickly how to read body language, expressions, and "reading between the lines" so to speak. I've found myself using this skill with customers and co-workers because some times what they want/need is communicated in many forms. Know when and how to help.

Another important note to make is you should always be courteous of the customers needs. Always be understanding and open minded because people come from all walks of life and if you want to be helpful and provide good customer service you must keep that in mind and make them feel comfortable, the key to gaining their trust in you and in turn the confidence to purchase from you. This keeps customers coming back!

I enjoy what i do very much and i am always looking for new challenges in life.  I would like to find a job where i will be given a chance to move up and gain responsibility as i grow with the company. I've never feared changed instead i embrace it. My perception of change is just another opportunity to learn and better myself. I believe i adapt easily to changing environments.

Well that's all the rambling im going to do tonight. Wish me luck!

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